5 Reasons You’d Be A Fool To Ignore Voice Search
There are two types of people in the world, those who avoid change and those who embrace it but make no mistake, the power of voice search is only just beginning to scratch the surface of its true potential. You’re either in or you’re out and that’s the mantra you need to take forward with you.
We all love something that makes our lives easier. Life is stressful enough without adding anything else to the complex equation so the idea of being able to search for something simply by opening our mouths is an opportunity too good to pass up.
There are many that will rebel, myself included, but inevitably, as technology progresses, we’ll one day wake up using voice search as if it were something we’ve used our entire lives.
It all started with Siri. Apple transformed the world of mobile devices with the inclusion of this wondrous little tool you held in front of you. Yes, it was abundantly robotic and lacked personality but many of us gained some form of enjoyment from it. Then came the recent onrush of products including Amazon’s Alexa and Google Home, closely followed by the Apple HomePod. Before we knew it, voice-controlled devices were no longer a whim but a way of life. This is only going one way. Either prepare for it now or regret it when you’re playing catchup in the years to come.
Image by SE Ranking
Jim Cridlin, global head of innovation and partnerships at media and marketing services company Mindshare told The Telegraph "Amazon recently filed a patent for its Echo device that can analyse a person's voice to understand if they are experiencing feelings of happiness, joy or boredom," says Mr. Cridlin. “With that data, companies can personalise voice experiences.”
With this in mind, we thought it was about time we addressed the elephant in the room in a little more detail. Here are 5 reasons you'd be a fool to ignore voice search in your SEO strategy:
We’re all lazy
Yep, there you go, I said it. You might disagree with me but take a moment, step back, think of the first-world problems we encounter that we all take for granted these days and pretty soon you’ll realise it’s fact. We used to get up from our chairs to change the channel, wash pots by hand and even turn the lights on in our homes by the magic of a light switch! What do all these things have in common? They’re out of date! Some still prefer the older ways of doing things but in an age where technology is king, you either move with the times or face being left behind. We aren’t even satisfied with driving our own cars anymore. If autonomous vehicles are in process then how long do you think traditional methods of search will continue to achieve the results you’re looking for?
Google loves user experience
In 2019, it’s all about user experience. Don’t write for Google, write for the user. This is only going to gain momentum, especially when you actively try to get inside the mind of your business’ consumers. What are the questions they’re likely to ask? How will they word their search when looking for a product or service you provide? If your content isn’t catering to such terminology, then you need to fix it and fast.
Ok, some experts would have you believe that this is much further down the line than I'm suggesting and perhaps, in some ways, they're correct but how does the famous saying go? "Fail to prepare, prepare to fail." Google is actively pushing the boundaries of collating voice search data. Google Search Console may be restricted due to the long-tail nature and differentiation between voice searches, but this is only human and it's Google we're talking about. It won't be long before an effective form of measurement is in place to form a separation between voice search and keyboard queries. Mobile search and desktop search found a way, so expect voice search to swiftly follow.
It may not be in place yet but if your business is ready, you'll be in prime position to plan around active voice search queries and establish an increase in traffic to your desired website pages. Thus, placing you in a powerful situation to optimise your website content and achieve higher ranking SERP results.
Speed is everything
Multi-tasking is not only a skill, but it's also a requirement in today's fast-paced world. We all have so much to do in any given moment that we don't have the time or even the hand freedom to use our phones, tablets or desktop devices to search. It may sound dramatic but it's the reality. We want everything right now and having to wait slows us down. When we're slowed down, we get stressed and when we get stressed, we don’t function as efficiently as we’d like. Therefore, voila! Voice search will become so fundamental to us soon enough that your business needs to take it seriously. “People are searching while on the go and expect to find the information they’re looking for, right then and there,” says Alessandra Alari, head of search at Google UK.
The stats don’t lie
If you’re ever unsure when making a decision, check the numbers. In the case of voice search, they certainly paint a striking picture. For example, were you aware that just this time last year there was an average number of one billion voice searches conducted every single month? The PWC Consumer Intelligence Series recently showed that 32% of people aged 18-64 are now using voice search on a daily basis. “Cortana now has 133 million monthly users according to Microsoft/Tech Radar. “60% of people using voice search have started in the last year" according to MindMeld. Such is the emphasis currently being placed on enhancing user experience, it is anticipated that by the year 2020 approximately 50% of all online searches will be conducted through the use of voice search according to comscore.
The local aspect further signifies the rise of voice search. SE Ranking states that 46% of people now seek out a local business through the use of voice search on a daily basis. This in itself should be enough to light a fire under local businesses to make sure their website is voice search optimised if they want to survive the gruelling market changes afoot. Even more specifically, SE Ranking also shows that cafes and restaurants are two of the most frequent voice search requests. The reason? People want contact info! We want the phone number or address of a local business without having to lift a finger. Get it right and make sure people can find you.
These numbers are way too big to put to the back of your mind!
It’s common sense
Most UK businesses are aware of a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) and if you aren’t aware of this then you should be and the first thing you should do when you’ve finished reading this blog post is turn your attention to SWOT.
A SWOT analysis can be applied to all aspects of business, both overall and broken down into sections depending on the industry specifics. In the case of voice search, it is fundamental to your business in the future. It could fall into any of the aforementioned categories depending on your current situation but if you find it falling heavily into the weakness and threat categories for your business, the time to do something about that is now.
The world of digital marketing continues to evolve every single day. It changes every business. If you understand the opportunities and threats associated with these changes, you can stay ahead of your market.
Is voice search just another passing novelty?
In short, no! It may seem a long way off but write voice search off at your peril. Voice search is on its way to becoming a dominant force for users searching a whole host of online products and services. Start the process of preparation now and you’ll find yourselves ready to reap the rewards.
For a detailed SEO audit along with full roadmap creation for future opportunities, speak to Front Foot Social on 0800 689 5493, email hello@frontfootsocial.co.uk or fill out an online contact form here.